
Sai Baba the avatar

Sai Baba the avatar: "saibaba hindu and muslim god photoSai Baba of Shirdi is the most revered Saint who lived a century ago in a small village called Shirdi in the west central Indian province of the Indian Sub-continent, presently known as the state of Maharashtra, India. The land that gave many seers and seekers, India has produced the unique Saint whose message is unanimously accepted as Universal both in the East and in the West. Sai Baba of Shirdi's message of Universal brotherhood, Religious tolerance, Love and compassion to the fellowmen embodies the eternal truth in simple terms.
hindu god fakir saibaba photoSeveral incidents are reported in which Baba was seen in flesh and blood at distant places away from Shirdi after his passing away. In some cases, Baba appeared in people’s dreams and later in real life. This resulted in increased faith in Baba and knowledge about existence of Baba spread slowly. The re-appearance of Baba is similar to the resurrection of Jesus Christ believed by his worshippers
super hindu god satyasai baba photoSathya Sai is one of the most revered Spiritual Masters living in the world today. He has been silently transforming the world by re-establishing the eternal values of Truth, Love, Righteousness, Peace and Non-Violence in everyday living. His teachings are universal to all religions, yet he is not seeking to start a new religion. Rather he urges us to go to the roots of our own faith whatever it may be, to rediscover the universal Truth therein.
